21 Jun 2009

Following steps will help you jailbreak iPhone running 3.0

  1. Download redsn0w from http://www.chemicalwebs.com/redsn0w/redsn0w-win_0.7.1.zip
  2. Extract redsn0w-win_0.7.1.zip to a a folder of your choice
  3. Run redsn0w.exe from “redsn0w-win_0.7.1” folder
  4. Click browse and point to “C:Documents and Settings%username%Application DataApple ComputeriTunesiPhone Software Updates” and select “iPhone1,2_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw” file
  5. After it verify’s the file, click next
  6. Check “Install cydia” if you need jailbreak apps and click next
  7. Plug the USB cable to iPhone and PC/Laptop and then turn off your iPhone, after which click next (Follow the instruction on screen to turn off iPhone)
  8. Be prepared to have your index finger on the power button and your thumb on the home button, now click next and follow the instruction.
  9. If done properly, the jail-breaking would start
  10. In few secs you will see a pineapple on the iPhone screen
  11. iPhone will reboot after installing the jailbreak

Congrats you are on jail broken iPhone


  1. may says:

    honeypie…….. when you gonna upgrade my phone?

  2. Pratik Ashwekar says:

    hey man,
    I am a loyal vodafone user but I have been using the iphone even before they launched it in india. Assuming that i am going to continue using vodafone am i still going to have to jailbreak my iphone? It would be greatly appreciated if you could send me the reply at: pratikashwekar@yahoo.co.in

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